Booking Information
Before you book a session please understand that I do not do readings regarding relationships, health, legal matters, finances and I don't predict future events. I work with mediumship to connect the living with those that have crossed over and I connect psychically with your energy/Soul to give you perspective and clarity.
To schedule a session please click the Book Session Tab at the top of this page. To see available dates, select a session from the available options. Once you have selected a session, the automated system will guide you through the remainder of the booking process.
Sessions are given by Phone or Zoom.
Appointment times are scheduled in Central Time U.S.
Please do not invite additional people to join a session.
Please understand that once the timer goes off, signaling the end of our session, the session is over. I usually have sessions booked back-to-back and I must have time to mentally prepare for subsequent sessions. I kindly ask that you please refrain from asking to extend your session as it comes to a close.
Please be considerate of our time and energy by ensuring that you are in a quiet space during our session.
Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and is cause for immediate session termination with no refund of payment.
Please be on time. If a client is more than 10 minutes late for the scheduled appointment, I reserve the right to cancel the session with no refund of payment.
**Prior to booking your session, you must read the Reading Disclaimer, Release & Confidentiality Agreement at the bottom of this page. By booking a session with Michael, you consent to Michael Christopher's Reading Disclaimer, Release & Confidentiality Agreement located at the bottom of this page.**
Psychic Mediumship Sessions
Whether we meet in person, virtually or over the phone, the connection with Spirit is just as strong.
Are you looking to make a connection with someone on the other side? Do you need guidance around a particular situation? Do you have questions about your own abilities? At the beginning of our session I will ask what your intentions are and then we will proceed forward and let spirit lead the way.
You are equally responsible for the successful outcome of your session. To ensure a successful session, you must come both mentally and physically prepared. I recommend that you take time to sit quietly and relax for at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment.
My goal for your session is for you to leave your session with a sense of peace, joy and clarity. Your family and friends are still with you. The people you we're connected with in this lifetime, in a spiritual sense, will never leave us and they are aware of events taking place in your life. Know that they will be there to greet you when your time comes to transition back to what I believe is our true eternal-existence.
I want you to know that you are not "lost" and the thoughts and feeling, around a given situation, are real. You are an intuitive being. I'm merely here to validate those thoughts and feelings to give you the confidence to move forward on your path.
I can't stress this enough, if you have an expectation that those in Spirit will fix your problem(s) or that they will tell you exactly how to proceed forward with your life, you will be disappointed. Spirit may send you inspiring thoughts, nudge you in a certain direction or validate a feeling you already have about a particular situation but, please understand that it is not Spirit’s role to make decisions for you, you are responsible for your life choices and decisions.
If I'm unable to make a meaningful connection within the first 10 minutes of your session I will stop the session and offer you the option to reschedule another session or receive a refund of your payment.
The multi-person sessions are intended for family members/close friends that are connected with the same people in spirit. An individual reading during a group session is not guaranteed.
Psychic Mediumship Sessions; Phone or Zoom
One Person Session; 30 Minutes: $125
One Person Session; 45 Minutes: $175
One Person Session; 60 Minutes: $225
Two Person Session; 30 Minutes: $150
Two Person Session; 45 Minutes: $200
Two Person Session; 60 Minutes: $250
Three to Four Person Mini-Group Session; 60 Minutes: $300
Gifting a Session
I'm often asked how someone might gift a session to a friend or family member, eGift Cards are now available! To purchase an eGift Card, please Click Here.
Disclaimer, Liability, Release and Confidentiality Agreement
All terms of this agreement must be accepted prior to Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium conducting a private mediumship reading/session or group mediumship reading/session. The person making the mediumship reading/session request, and subsequently referred to as 'you', by booking a mediumship reading/session, you are verifying that you have read, understood, and accept the terms of this agreement and you agree to the following terms and are legally bound by them:
In offering mediumship readings/session to the public Michael will not read for the following:
1. other people without express written permission from that person and a return of this agreement and a reading request form by the individual(s) to be read.
2. minors or otherwise incompetent individuals, even if requested by their legal guardians and/or parent(s).
3. medical, health, psychological or psychiatric care or related issues or situations. If you are in need of medical, health, psychological or psychiatric care assistance or consultation, then Michael Christopher advises you to seek out a licensed medical professional for proper consultation and care.
The mediumship readings/sessions provided by Michael Christopher should never be used as a substitute for seeking professional care or assistance, therefore, do not use the impressions given to you during Michael Christopher's mediumship reading/session to replace any advice that has been given to you by a medical professional. Anyone who is obtaining such professional medical help should continue to do so. You also agree as with any information you receive from any source, you alone hold the power of decision-making and are totally and completely responsible for making decisions that affect your life and the outcome of your choices. You agree that Michael makes every effort to give you an accurate mediumship reading/session and that you understand that he will tell you up front that no intuitive is 100% accurate and you accept that some information received may not seem to apply at this time but could apply to future events or may not be 100% accurate.
Michael Christopher of and any mirror sites or other sites such as blogs, websites, radio, social media sites and shows etc. disclaims all liability in regards to the intuitive reading and all information given to his clientele as a result of said reading. By submitting to this agreement form, you agree and verify that you:
1) have voluntarily decided to participate in this mediumship reading/session;
2) are at least 18 years of age, and have not been declared incompetent;
3) have requested a mediumship reading/session from Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium of your own free will;
4) understand your mediumship reading/session is not and cannot be used as a substitute for any type of medical, health, psychological, psychiatric, or professional counseling, therapy or treatment;
5) understand and agree that it is your responsibility to decide whether or not you require professional counseling or medical treatment and should you require such services to seek them on your own as needed;
6) understand the mediumship reading/session is purely for entertainment purposes only and that readings once completed aren't refundable;
7) understand that no clairvoyant, intuitive, psychic, medium etc., is 100% accurate and there may be some things in the reading that do not seem to apply right now but could apply at a future date or may be inaccurate;
8) are voluntarily participating in the mediumship reading/session and are accepting complete responsibility for your own medical, health, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and bodily well-being;
9) do on behalf of yourself, your assigns, heirs, executors, guardians, and all other legal representatives, hereby release, discharge, waive, and forever relinquish Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium, including his agents, employees, officers, directors, employers, and any other person associated with Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium, from any and all known or unknown claims resulting from, arising out of or in any way connected with information you may or may not receive during your voluntary participation in a mediumship reading/session with Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium and further agree that under no circumstance(s) will you, or any other person associated with you as a result of your mediumship reading/session attempt to present any claims against, prosecute, sue, seek to attach any lien for any purpose including satisfaction of a judgment or other judicial decree, to the property to the property of Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium and his heirs, and you hereby waive all claims, demands, compensation, and all actions that you, anyone associated with you or any other participant in the mediumship reading/session currently or hereafter may have for any injuries or perceived injuries or perceived or real losses you may suffer or believe to suffer because of or during your participation or involvement in a mediumship reading/reading resulting from any actions, statements, answers to questions or omissions made by Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium or any person associated with Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium;
10) understand and agree that in the event any claim for damages shall be brought or prosecuted against Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium or any person associated with Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium as a result of your actions, omissions, or other act, that you and/or your estate shall indemnify and hold harmless Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium and all persons associated with Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium from any and all claims, actions or damages, legal and otherwise, made by you or anyone associated with you including the cost and expense associated with defending such actions or claims;
11) understand that all information provided to you during your mediumship reading/session is considered confidential and shall not be disclosed except as required by law;
12) agree that Michael Christopher can use portions of any feedback sent to him after the mediumship reading/session as a testimonial using first name only and state/country and without revealing any specific information about the mediumship reading reading/session in order to protect the privacy of those she reads for.
13) have read this agreement and fully understand the legal consequences of this agreement by booking a mediumship reading/session represents accepting and agreeing to all the conditions stated within this agreement document and includes a release of all possible liability of Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium and between yourself with Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium and between Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium and any other possible third parties;
14) by booking a mediumship reading/session, you acknowledge and consent to the disclaimer, liability release, and confidentiality agreement by your own free will while fully comprehending what you are doing and the result and consequences of your actions.
15) agree to receive occasional future emails from Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium in the form of a newsletter with special offers, news and other information.
*By booking a mediumship reading/session with Michael Christopher, you consent to Michael Christopher-Evidential Medium's READING/SESSION DISCLAIMER, LIABILITY, RELEASE & CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT *